Judah James Foundation

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Judah James Foundation

Our Grandson, Judah James is almost 7 years old. He has already been on the mission field with us when he was 1 ½ years old. Judah already loves to play ball. He is that much like his PawPaw. He always says “B.Ball PawPaw, B.Ball PawPaw.” That means he wants to play some type of ball with his PawPaw. So the Lord gave us an idea to start a Judah James B.Ball Foundation to collect sports equipment to help needy children to be able to play ball too.

So we want to encourage everyone to help us collect sports equipment (baseballs, gloves, bats, soccer balls, footballs, volleyballs, etc) or give a donation to help us buy sports equipment so other children have the same opportunity to play ball like Judah.

The pictures below are from our first distribution of shirts and balls.

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All contributions to the Ambassador's Child Sponsorship Program are used to support the children's needs. None of the funds are used for administrative costs.


What our volunteer's say about the Ambassadors To The Nations.
  • Sarah RabalaisSarah Rabalais

    Going with Ambassadors To The Nations on mission trips is life-changing. It is touching to see the faces of the children when they receive the care packages and shoes. The joy on their faces when they see the clowns and puppet skits that Ambassadors present to the children are unforgettable.

  • Diane RabalaisDiane Rabalais

    Being able to volunteer with Ambassadors To The Nations has made a huge impact on my life. Knowing that the children we sponsor are being taught the Love of Christ and getting an excellent education. Getting to meet our children in person gave us overwhelming joy.

  • Wanda MerinoWanda Merino

    I love volunteering at Ambassadors. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that every package you prepare is going to be received with joy by a child in need. We are God’s hands and feet, and we can serve with Love.

  • Norma FontanezNorma FontanezVolunteer

    I have been volunteering with Ambassadors for 7 years. I love packaging the gifts that bless the children in Nicaragua. I love doing missions, especially when the people with Ambassadors To The Nations make me part of their family.

  • Clara Cruz AustinClara Cruz Austin

    Ambassadors give me a sense of purpose. I have been volunteering for 7 years. After I traveled to Nicaragua with Ambassadors, I got to meet the amazing team that shares a genuine love of God. I decided to come and help with packaging the amazon care packages for them to distribute in the countries. I have many medical issues and I am hospitalized frequently. Ambassadors To The Nations gives me a purpose to get back on my feet and get back to help.

    The work that Ambassadors To The Nations does fills my heart with happiness.