(Centro Estudio De Gracias y Amor)
The School of Gracias y Amor is located in Managua, Nicaragua. This is one of the Christian schools that we help in Nicaragua . We started helping this school in 1994. It was started by a family and when we first met them, the Lord put on our hearts to work together to make it a Christian School. In the beginning, the schools name was “Little Red Hiding Hood”. A few years after we started helping the school, they changed the name to the School of Gracias y Amor. Since then we have implemented in the school program Bible teaching, worship and prayer. The School of Gracias y Amor is from Preschool-6th grade only. Even though we did not build this school from the ground up, we are blessed to be able to help the children so they can receive a good education and be taught about the love of Jesus.
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