Dear Mission supporters and Friends,
Let us start off by saying how tremendous the month of March has been for our missions. God has been doing things to help and bless us, that only God can do. We just got home from Nicaragua a few weeks ago. We were blessed to have some of the Charis Bible Extension Schools and a few of our staff on this trip. We shared a few things with the students about our missions and some things we had been going through the past few months. They began to pray over our missions and it was so powerful. They began to declare that God would bring in finances and help in supernatural ways. We believed and agreed with them. Well the past month, we are seeing God do that very thing. He is sending new help and more finances to our ministry to do all that God has called us to do. We are just so very GRATEFUL for them praying over us and the miracles we are seeing. This was an amazing trip with an amazing team.
Great Celebrations at ALL our Schools in Nicaragua:
Our schools in Nicaragua for the past month had been studying the book of Esther and how God used Esther to deliver the Jewish people. On Saturday, our first day of ministry, the team went to our main church and school in Managua. The children and youth had on costumes with noise makers, balloons, party decorations and more to show us how they were celebrating how God had used Esther to deliver His people. They did dramas, danced and worshipped in honor of God setting his people Free from the hand of wicked Haman, which represents the devil and how God has set us FREE from the enemy too. It was so powerful to see our students learning the Word of God through acting out the scriptures. The CBC students loved it. At that service, Lenny, a CBC graduate preached that day on, the most important thing is HOW MUCH GOD LOVES US. It was an awesome word for our students and their parents. The whole trip, at all our schools the students celebrated and showed the team what they had been studying in God’s Word about Esther. Also, the CBC teams and our staff did dramas, songs, puppets, crafts, face painting, clowning, shared testimonies, prayed for the sick, preached, served food, passed out toy gift bags, groceries and shoes. The Love and Presence of God surrounded us everywhere we went to minister.
Feeding Program at Xiloa, Nicaragua:
Our feeding program in Xiloa has been serving and blessing the community now for 10 years. It is so amazing to see how far God has brought the children and their parents from the first time we went there to minister, until now! The children are so loving, and we can see they are learning so much about God’s love for them. Todd and Katherine, better known as Poncho and Chocolita, have been teaching the children every time we go on different subjects from salvation, baptism in the Holy Spirit, praying for the sick, obedience to their parents; plus Bible lessons on Jonah, Lazarus, resurrection of Jesus and more. It is making such a difference in their lives. The children come and receive physical and spiritual food. The team did a great job blessing the children with toys and shoes they brought in their suitcases; plus the items we had left from our last container. Our goal for Xiloa is to add more days for the children to come to learn the Word of God from a new Bible curriculum that we ordered for them. It will take about $4000 to be able to buy the Bible curriculum, pay staff and provide snacks for a FULL YEAR!! We know God will meet this need, so we can train the children more in the things of God.
Update on our New Project in San Francisco, Nicaragua:
It’s hard to put in words the excitement of seeing the new school going up in San Francisco, Nicaragua. This trip, the whole roof was on the building and the water well finished. The place is looking so good. During the trip, one of the team members blessed us with $5000.00 to do all the plumbing work to put the pipes in from the well to the kitchen and the bathrooms; plus the well pump. This was a huge blessing! We will be able to get that work done now. We also were given money to do the kitchen in San Francisco. Then the next area is the windows, doors and the electrical work. We are so thankful how God is providing for this project in supernatural ways. Thanks partners for giving to make this all possible.
Las Maderas School Preschool Remodeled and Playground:
Our schools in Nicaragua just started back in February for the new school year. During the break, we were able to remodel our preschool classroom with new ceramic tile floors, new tables, new chairs and a new bathroom that connects to the classroom. The place looks beautiful!! Also, we put a new door up that will connect to the new playground. The children will be able to walk right outside the classroom and be in the new playground. On the picture page, you can see the walls are going up and we have put down special rock for the playground. The next phase is to raise $2,500.00 for the playground equipment and it can be ready for the children to play on. What a fun, wonderful blessing this will be for our preschool and elementary school in Las Maderas.
Nicaragua School Picture and Grade Updates:
With school just starting in Nicaragua in February for the new school year, we have been busy taking all the students new school pictures and updating everything in our system. This normally takes about 2 months but this time it has taken longer because we had a problem with our system. Thank God it is fixed, and the updates are almost finished. You will receive your child or children’s pictures and updated grades in the NEXT NEWSLETTER. Also, if there are any changes with the children, you will receive that too. Thanks for your faithfulness to sponsor these children, so they can receive a good education and be trained in the ways of the Lord. Our schools are changing the lives of the children of Nicaragua.
Birthday Container–May 16th for Nicaragua:
It’s that time of the year for the BIRTHDAY Care Packages for the children in our schools in Nicaragua. This time if you would like to make your own care box for the child(ren) you sponsor, you may do so. Please see the instructions on the back of the enclosed slip. This time they are NOT ALLOWING CLEAR PLASTIC CONTAINERS or WHITE POSTAL BOXES. These are the rules from the customs in Nicaragua. If you would like us to make the BIRTHDAY care package for you, please fill out the enclosed slip and return with the suggested donation. The due date is MAY 16th. We will be loading the container a few days after the May 16th due date. This container will be for our August mission trip to Nicaragua. We will celebrate the children’s birthdays all at one time. We appreciate you going the extra mile to be a blessing to these children. Many of them receive so few things in life, so to get a care package from their sponsor is a BIG DEAL!! They are so thankful for your love!!
Next Mission Trip to Nicaragua:
Our next mission trip is back to Nicaragua on April 20-27 with the Charis Bible College students from Woodland Park, Colorado. On this trip, we will be giving out the Easter care packages that our warehouse staff made with the donations you gave to help us with the Easter container. The container is in customs in Nicaragua waiting to be released. We believe God that will happen over the next 2-3 weeks. We look forward to being able to bless the students and show the love of God to them. Plus, all our children in our feeding programs will receive Easter Care packages too. We can never thank you enough for all the continual love and support you give to us, so the children can be blessed in a special way. We also have around 2000 pairs of shoes that will be given out too. We know this will be a powerful trip!!
Acuna, Mexico After School update on Roof and Sheetrock Damage:
We want to say how very thankful we are for the outpouring of love and support for finances we received to fix the damage to our roof and Sheetrock at our After School #1 in Acuna, Mexico. They are working on it now. It should be finished in the next 3-4 weeks. We received enough that we will be able to do other work on the buildings and help for the daily operational needs of the programs. This is a tremendous blessing. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We look forward to seeing it all when we return to Mexico in June.
Upcoming Mission Trips Overseas and Domestic:
If you are interested in going on a mission trip with us, please go to our website for all the information. In June, we have a trip to Acuna, Mexico. Then in July, we are planning on our first USA domestic mission trip. Youth and Adults will come to Charlotte, NC to work in our mission building, do street ministry, go to Billy Graham Library, and other mission outreach from July 23-27. This is good for anyone that wants to do mission work in the USA. Then in August and December, we have trips back to Nicaragua. We would love to have you be a part of touching the Nations with us.
We love and thank God for you all the time.
Reaching the Nations,
Darey and Karen Jolley